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Terms and conditions for  Private Use: 

1Fees are payable each month or part thereof via the payment platform;


2 On payment, a unique password shall be generated and  delivered via email from BRPOD. This password shall expire on the last day of  the subscribed calendar month.

3 Total Cost: Average time required for POD = less than 1 month  = $24.99 Total Fee. 


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we are so confident in the effectiveness of our system that we unreservedly guarantee that the outcomes will exceed your expectations.

There is no catch but we do limit any claims to being equal or less than the sum of fees paid  to BehaviouraReading in the preceeding 12 months from the date of claim.  Applicable from 07/March/2020. In the event of a claim, please provide an accompanying screenshot to verify these Terms and conditions at the time of your subscription as they  are Subject to change.

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WHY DONATE: the creation of this project has been a passion for more than ten years. In that time I have had some treasured help through the donated time of a few past clients. Currently there is insufficient money to pay for any support. All monies,are used for fixed costs on internet services and hosting  costs. I continue to build this on the dream that one day there will be enough money for this project to have a long standing  positive influence on the global education industry, in its research and implementation for the coming decades. The entire project is relying on my personal effort and though I am committed to it, it doesn't make for a secure or reliable service into the future.  If you have benefitted please play fair  and pay by way of a donation.  Of course if you are unable to donate in these challenging times then please accept this as a gift from us.



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